CALD is...
Culture, education, society. For CALD, these three words are interconnected. CALD means “Culturally and Linguistically Diverse”. Welcoming diversity of people, diversity of ideas, CALD gives an opportunity to anyone wishing to express themselves. It becomes a source of creative action with a social impact. Our goal is to cooperate with people of all abilities and interests, people from vulnerable groups or not, people with disabilities or not, just people, that is, who have something to say. CALD is a pool of abilities and ideas deriving from diversity.
Our team constitutes of people deeply experienced in the field of culture and education. They have participated in more than 20 theatrical performances, as directors, playwrights or actors and performers and they have collaborated several times with other artists, NGOs, associations and organizations. For more than 10 years now, we have been involved in kids’ theatre, documentary theatre, research, planning and organizing of cultural events and festivals, and also we have produced audiovisual and digital content.
Open to partnerships and targeting cross-border collaboration and international cross-fertilization, we have participated in inclusive Erasmus+ and Creative Europe projects (persons with disabilities, immigrants, unemployed), as well as in cultural projects (oral tradition, European mythology). We have delved into children’s rights, immigration, family separation and population movement issues as part of our research, which finally appears on stage through theatre performances and projects.